Heating air

Science A25: Hot Air


Award-winning video and lesson investigations for young children on the topic of heating air.

Product Description

Video and lesson investigations on the topic of heating air and gases. Key concepts include:

  • Room heaters warm up the air around them.
  • When air gets hot it expands and rises.
  • Observing an object that is affected by the air can show how the air is moving. When air gets heated, the gases that make it up expand and rise.
  • This is because the gas molecules in air, which collide with each other all the time, collide much more when they are heated.
  • The more they collide, the farther apart they move from each other.
  • This motion is called the expansion of the heated gas.
  • Hot air is less dense than colder air because its molecules are farther apart from each other.
  • Less dense hot air rises in cooler air.
  • This is how a hot air balloon is able to rise into the cooler atmosphere.


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